Hi Reader 👋 Welcome to edition #38 of The Super Sunday Retirement Roundup. This weeks newsletter is jam packed full of brand new stuff! A new podcast episode, my latest blog, a new sketch and my latest (and I think best) YouTube video. My aim as always is to inspire you to think differently and take action, I would love to know if I achieve this!! ☕ Now, grab that coffee and settle into your Sunday morning and as always, I hope you enjoy the read! Opening UpBy now you would have probably realised I'm a little obsessed with the topics of 'purpose' and 'time' I think they are both interwound with one another I believe purpose is an essential ingredient to human flourishing and time is something that us humans don't truly understand With that, I think we humans struggle to identify our purpose(s), often looking for big grand, life changing purposes at the expense of smaller more foundations things. As Jordan Grummet (spoiler alert, he is coming on the podcast in the New Year) puts it, there are big P's and little P's and we often focus to much on the big P's I also believe that we humans do not use our limited time wisely, often spending it at the expense of our values, purpose and passions. Again, similar to purpose, we look to spend out time doing big grand stuff and ignore the everyday things that could bring us more joy and contentment. So, Dan what's your point I hear you say... To me, we tend to focus on putting big goals in place to find our purpose and to try to spend our time wisely, when in fact I believe we would be better of identifying what we don't want and like and making sure we avoid it. I refer to these as 'Anti-Goals' As Naval Ravikant says... "The ultimate purpose of money is so that you do not have to be in a specific place at a specific time doing anything you don't want to do" I mentioned Jordan Grummet above, I want to leave you with something he said about time... "We always talk about buying time, selling time, wasting time. We tend to make it sound like a commodity, but it isn't. Time is something that passes no matter what we do and we have very little control over it" The Humans vs Retirement PodcastEpisode 65 - How Our Nervous System Impacts Our Retirement with Sheridan RuthSummary In this episode of the Humans vs Retirement podcast, Sheridan shares her inspirational journey through trauma and healing, emphasising the importance of understanding the nervous system's role in our experiences. Our conversation explores the challenges of modern retirement, likening it to a form of grief, and highlights the need for intentional preparation for this significant life transition. Sheridan and I explore the emotional and psychological aspects of navigating challenges, particularly in the context of retirement and personal growth. We discuss the importance of understanding emotional responses, the necessity of lifelong learning, and the skills required to manage sensations and emotions effectively. She emphasises the significance of spending money wisely to create lasting memories, the barriers individuals face in changing their spending habits, and the differences in emotional expression between genders. The conversation concludes with actionable insights for listeners to reflect on their own narratives regarding money and life transitions. Key Takeaways
Listen in to the full episodeSketchThe Explore, Nest & Reflect Phases of Retirement
Blog6 Reasons Why Planning for a 100-Year Life Might Ruin Your RetirementIn recent years, there has been growing conversations about planning for retirement up to age 100, driven by increasing life expectancies. While planning for longevity may seem prudent, new research suggests this could actually be counterproductive for most people. A study in Nature Aging indicates that while average lifespans have increased, the likelihood of most people reaching age 100 remains very low. In my latest blog I explore why setting a retirement plan that assumes you’ll live to a century could lead to a range of issues
YouTube Video5 Reasons Why Your Retirement Will Fail & How to Prevent It​ I hope you enjoyed this Sunday's roundup, and I look forward to seeing you again very soon! If you enjoy reading this, please consider forwarding on to a friend, family member or colleague, or encourage them to sign up here​ As always, I want to talk about retirement topics that are top of mind and most pressing to you, so I very much want your feedback and questions! click the button below, hit the send your message button and let me know what you want me to talk about.
To a joyful second half of life, Dan Haylett "I want to help 1m people (yes 1,000,000) balance money & life so they can discover TRUE WEALTH and live their second half of life with more PURPOSE, PASSION and JOY than their first" p.s. Was this email forwarded to you? Like what you see? Subscribe here!​ p.s.s If you haven't already you should get my FREE retirement toolkit, just click here to get access. |
Each week I bring you…👉 Some exclusive thoughts about a modern day retirement 👉 Six key lessons from the latest episode of The Humans vs Retirement Podcast 👉 A blog 👉 A sketch
Hi Reader Welcome to edition #49 of The Super Sunday Retirement Roundup. I'm delighted to have put together another actioned pack edition for you this week, full of insight, wisdom and practical tips... if i do say so myself!! Be ready to have an open mind and be challenged, as I discuss and reveal: 👉 Why a bucket list is a very bad idea! 👉 The myth of the 100-year life 👉 The dangers of comparisons 👉 How to behave in retirement 👉 Your most valuable form of wealth As always, grab your...
Hi Reader Welcome to edition #48 of The Super Sunday Retirement Roundup. In this weeks jam packed newsletter, I discuss: Retirement Fears Exposure Therapy Strategies to Take Control of Your Time When You Should Retire Retirement Intelligence Your Greatest Asset in Retirement So, as always grab your favourite hot beverage, your notebook and pen and tuck into some intriguing, thought provoking and inspirational stuff! And please get in touch to let me know what resonated with you or to discuss...
Hi Reader Welcome to edition #47 of The Super Sunday Retirement Roundup. In today's thought provoking newsletter, I discuss: The power of wisdom Crystallised intelligence The retirement lie Life expectancy And, I share one of my favourite and most impactful sketches! As always, please enjoy and let me know what resonated the most with you. My Latest Thoughts The Power of Wisdom: Why Crystallised Intelligence is Your Retirement Superpower Ever found yourself walking into a room only to forget...